about Militzer & Münch

Connecting worlds
We deliver – with individually tailored logistics solutions via air, sea, or road. Of course, we also handle challenging multi-modal project transports for you.
Our focus is on Eurasia and North Africa. While others only serve these markets as a byproduct of their regular activities, we live and work at the places we connect. We are deeply rooted in these countries; we are familiar with cultural conventions and the local frame conditions. Moreover, Militzer & Münch is involved in strategic alliances and cooperations, and continuously develops its portfolio to be able to offer its customers innovative logistics solutions.
In the course of the last century, the small forwarding company founded in 1880 by Richard Militzer und Werner Münch in Bavaria has grown into a logistics group that connects worlds: thanks to committed employees, long years of experience, regional competency and the courage to always break new ground.
Pioniergeist bewiesen die Gründer von Militzer & Münch als sie vor 140 Jahren mit einer Bahnspedition den Grundstein des Unternehmens legten. Pioniergeist bewiesen ebenso die Experten von Militzer & Münch , die in der Mitte des vergangenen Jahrhunderts das Luftfrachtgeschäft aufbauten und in den nachfolgenden Jahrzehnten Sammelgutverkehre per Bahn und Lkw bis nach Afghanistan und dem Iran entwickelten. Fortan ebnete sich eine vielversprechende Zukunft.
Bereits in den 1930er Jahren hat Militzer & Münch die Fracht-Agentur bedeutender See-Reedereien und der damals noch jungen Luftfahrtgesellschaften übernommen. 1949 wird Militzer & Münch zum offiziellen IATA Agenten ernannt. Anschließend geht es weiter mit der Gründung von Niederlassungen, die für den Ausbau des Luft- und Seefrachtgeschäftes entscheidend waren, so z.B. die Filiale in Hamburg und das 1962 eröffnete erste Luftfrachtcenter am Frankfurter Flughafen.
Auch beim Aufbau des internationalen Speditions- und Logistikgeschäfts in Osteuropa, Zentralasien und China gehörte Militzer & Münch zu den ersten Unternehmen, die für ihre Kunden den Schritt auf die neuen aufstrebenden Märkte wagten und ihre Serviceleistungen dort erfolgreich etabliert haben. Mit unvermindertem Enthusiasmus begibt sich Militzer & Münch heute auf neue Felder der Logistik und baut seine Dienstleistungen als leistungsfähiger Partner der Kunden aus.

1889 - 1920







Expansion im Ausland
&M France mit Sitz in Halluin wird gegründet
M&M AG mit Sitz in St. Gallen / Schweiz wird gegründet
M&M Italia und M&M Türkei werden gegründet
100 Jahre Militzer & Münch
32 deutsche Niederlassungen
24 Niederlassungen im Ausland
Die Domain: „MUMNET. COM“ wird ein Begriff in der Internet-Welt.
Eröffnung einer selbstständigen Zollamt-Filiale im Terminal von M&M Sofia / Bulgarien
50 Jahre FIATA – Mitgliedschaft
125 Jahre M&M
M&M Switzerland celebrates 35 years

Holger Seehusen
Holger Seehusen is Director Business Development for the entire Group and responsible for the Air and Sea segment of the German M&M Group. He has 25 years of experience at Rhenus Revival GmbH, the GUS specialist within the Rhenus Group - he worked in Frankfurt and Kiev for six years - and as Head of Southeast Asia with a total of five years of international assignments in Singapore, Hong Kong and Bangkok. Since July 2018, he has brought with him a wealth of experience and his own vision of the dynamics, size and volume of the purely intra-Asian market.

Thomas Winter
With over 20 years in the profession, Thomas Winter is an expert in global forwarding and logistics. He was with Militzer & Münch GmbH as branch manager from 2011 to 2016. On 1st May 2019, he joined the Militzer & Münch Group again. As part of the German Militzer & Münch management team, he is in charge of the Road segment.
Militzer & Münch Germany
Environmental Policy
In accordance with our claim “Responsibility for tomorrow”, we have introduced an environmental policy that considers and evaluates all processes from an economic and ecological perspective. Since we feel committed to environmental protection, this policy regulates our dealings with interested parties. It will be adapted to new developments as required.
Quality, environmental protection, occupational safety and health protection are part of our company’s self-image and make an important contribution to the success of the company. The environmental policy is made available in digital form by the environmental officer and published on the company’s homepage.
Hereby the management commits itself to maintain, develop and improve the environmental management system and to fulfill applicable and binding requirements. In addition, we commit ourselves to protect the environment and, as far as possible, to prevent environmental pollution.
Quality and Sustainability
Our standards and Certificats
We are convinced that customer intimacy, innovative ideas, in-depth knowledge, and up-to-date, top-rate performance all decisively contribute to the success of our customers, and thus to our own success as well. As a consequence, the quality standards against which we measure our products are high. Our quality standards are based on the values we share, on a long term strategy, and on continual employee training and mentoring.Sustainable economy is another extremely important factor for our growth.
In our decision making processes and in our daily business operations we therefore keep in mind ecological aspects and social development. Our quality system is a powerful management tool to pro-actively direct the development of the Militzer & Münch Group, and to optimize processes to the benefit of our customers.Standardized, Group-wide quality regulations, as well as internal training and audits strengthen the quality awareness of our personnel. They ensure top quality service and provide the basis for our ISO 9001:2015 certification.
Our certifications and agreements are a testimony of our desire to constantly serve our clients better.
Standardized, Group-wide quality regulations, as well as internal training and audits strengthen the quality awareness of our personnel. They ensure top quality service and provide the basis for our ISO 9001:2015 certification.
AEO - authorized economic operator
AEO status is an internationally recognized quality mark, indicating that an operator's role in the international supply chain is secure, and that its customs controls and procedures are efficient and compliant. AEO status isn’t mandatory, but it gives quicker access to certain simplified customs procedures and in some cases the right to ‘fast-track’ some shipments through some customs and safety and security procedures.
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is the trade association for the world’s airlines, representing over 260 airlines or 83% of total air traffic. IATA supports airline activity and helps formulate industry policy and standards. As a IATA member, M&M is able to produce its own airway bills. For our customers, it also means a more flexible and fast handling of their shipments.

Incoterms 2020
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Click on the image to download the file.

ISO Certificat
Click on the image to download the file.

ISO 4001:2015
Click on the image to download the file.