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June 9, 2019

Works of Art – On the Road

Works of Art – On the Road

1,000 works of art from 100 countries – NordArt, an exhibition held at Büdelsdorf near Rendsburg, is regarded one of…
Regular Maghreb Traffics

Regular Maghreb Traffics

The Turkish Militzer & Münch organization now offers regular traffics to customers with exports to the Maghreb. Every Friday and…
Sweets for Uzbekistan

Sweets for Uzbekistan

Yulduz Babajanova, Head of Project Management, Militzer & Münch Uzbekistan, ensured the smooth transport. Militzer & Münch Uzbekistan has handled…
Raring To Go For E-Commerce

Raring To Go For E-Commerce

Shenzhen in China – once a fishing village, today one of the main trading hubs worldwide for the electronics and…